Announcing GOAL™ CHALLENGE Winner

Announcing GOAL™ CHALLENGE Winner


Congratulations to DJ Diveny (@djdiveny) from US, the final winner of GOAL™ CHALLENGE! He earned 924 votes from total 1,795 voters. Since every voter had to select three videos, his video was chosen among the three videos from more than half of total voters. The 2nd place went to @tre_pm from Italy with 637 votes. He used a water bottle instead of a ball, which gave a creative edge among others. Meanwhile @the_2top, a football content creator duo from Korea took the 3rd place collecting 523 votes with a collaborative top corner art piece.






All of the trick shots were exceptional top right corner shots. Great respect to finalists’ skills and creativity! As promised, GOAL STUDIO will provide DJ Diveny an all-expenses paid trip to the city of his favourite team, Barcelona, and send $200 worth of GOAL™ VIP Package to all of the 11 finalists.


Last but not least, to thank the voters who joined our membership program, we will randomly select 11 members and send them GOAL™ BIG LOGO TOTEBAG. The 11 members will be announced individually. 

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